
Weekend Update

I’ll be updating my main blog, http://justsenati.blogspot.com, today with new pictures of my counters and bannisters.  Adding some brown to those entryway bannisters has really helped, I think.  Click over and let me know what you think about genuinely “scrapbooking” my house.   (If you had told me a year ago that I’d be using my scrapbooking tools to remodel my house, I would have claimed you were nuts! *LOL*)

I’ve also turned my patriotic QP previews below into links.  You can now click them to find the downloads.  PLEASE leave a comment here on the blog if you download.  That’s how I know what y’all like and what I can do better next time.  Please feel free to leave suggestions too.  All my things are freebies, done as stress-relief when I have spare time; and I’m always open to new ideas.

I’m off to my grandson’s birthday party later this afternoon.  Hope y’all have a great weekend 🙂 

Some QPs

Hi Everyone,

I made some patriotic QPs this weekend.  Here are the previews. Let me know what you think 🙂




Hello world!

You have arrived at Senati’s new blog space.  I’ll update this blog as I have time.  So stay tuned 🙂